There is a wealth of knowledge on the internet … and a huge amount of misinformation. Below are links to websites and services that we know and trust.
Horse Health
The Horse: Your Guide to Equine Health Care www.thehorse.com
American Association of Equine Practicioners (AAEP) www.aaep.org
Farm & Pasture Management
Horses for Clean Water: Eco-Friendly Horse Keeping www.horsesforcleanwater.com
Pierce Conservation District (Pierce County) www.piercecountycd.org
King Conservation District (King County) www.kingcd.org
Thurston Conservation District (Thurston County) www.thurstoncd.com
Kitsap Conservation District (Kitsap County) www.kitsapcd.org
Referral & Specialty Hospitals
Pilchuck Veterinary Hospital www.pilchuckvet.com
Washington State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital vth.vetmed.wsu.edu
Oregon State University Veterinary Hospital vetmed.oregonstate.edu/hospital
Local & Regional Horse Publications
The Northwest Horse Source www.nwhorsesource.com
Flying Changes www.flyingchanges.com
Feed & Supplement Companies
LMF Feeds lmffeeds.com
Nutrena www.nutrenaworld.com/products/horses
Purina purinamills.com/horse-feed
Triple Crown Nutrition www.triplecrownfeed.com
Arenus: Assure Products www.arenus.com
Platinum Performance www.platinumperformance.com
Colic Reimbursement Programs